CALL FOR TESTIMONY on Tuesday, 8/9: The Tourist Accommodations Cap Bill is Being considered at the Planning Commission



Many Maui residents agree that over tourism is a serious problem affecting our quality of life, and are looking for solutions. We canʻt control what the airlines do, so the best way to remedy this problem at the County level is to apply a “cap” or limit on visitor accommodations. We now have a chance to tell the Maui Planning Commission that our community supports a cap, and that we want to prioritize the quality of life for our residents first.

There are two ways to submit your mana‘o on this:

1. Send an email regarding “Item B2” to the Planning Commission, at, letting them know you support the Transient Accommodations Resolution.

2. Testify online on Tuesday, August 9th at 9:00am, letting them know you support the Transient Accommodations Resolution. Link to testify is and the agenda for the meeting is:

Mahalo for protecting Mauiʻs future!