Council Given 3 Water Future Choices

From the Maui News

The County Council was presented three scenarios of the future of the Department of Water Supply on Tuesday. Director Dave Taylor said he could begin work on any one of the three by fiscal year 2013 – once the policymaking body lets him know which one it likes.

Dave Taylor indicated that the $10million/year ($2million from ratepayers, the rest borrowed) barely keeps the system going and that to meet what appears to be the County Council goals of more water meters, would require triple that amount.

Taylor also brought up considerations like whether those who live at higher altitudes or at farther distances (where pumping costs are greatly increased) should be paying more for water.  Should new customers pay for the entire cost of increased infrastructure or should existing customers pay?

Councilmember Pontanilla reminded people that the water department had gotten behind because rates were frozen in the 90’s.  There was some discussion of raising rates which are lowest in Hawai’i.

To meet the $30million/year alternative would require an 8% across-the-board water price increase.