Condo gates off access to Honokeana beach

Saying that “busloads” of people are using their facilities, the Honokeana Cove Resort Condominiums has gated off access through their property to Honokeana Cove.

According to the Maui News, Council member Ellie  “Cochran, who chairs the council Infrastructure and Environmental Management committee, said that the issue at Honokeana Cove is already on her radar, and that the county Planning Department will be working to come up with a shoreline plan, though it has not yet been brought up as an agenda item in council.”

“Shoreline access is an important part of the law here in Hawaii. . . . It’s near and dear to the hearts of several council members, but the challenge comes in the implementation,” said Owens. “It’s going to take a little bit of collaboration but it can be done.”