Henry Curtis Transcription of PUC Meeting

On March 7, 2013 the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION held an invitation-only meeting. The meeting started with PUC Chair Hermina Morita talking about a survey that the Commission sent out.
As many of you know with our invitation you also received a survey, and here’s what I learned from the survey. If you appear to be a practitioner before the PUC, the general thought was that we were making improvements, but lacked the resources. On the other hand, those who were not regular practitioners before the PUC thought we were incompetent, a rubber stamp for HECO, didn’t listen to the public, opaque, operating in a black box. So no doubt, the largest stakeholder group — the one that the PUC decisions affect the most, the general public, or the ratepayer — does not hold the agency in very high regard.”