Maui Plan Update as of 2008


*The Maui General Plan Advisory Committee on Friday
requested and received an approximate three-week extension to complete
its planning policy review. The Maui County Council has extended the
deadline from May 24 to June 18. The Maui panel completed its
discussion of county planning goals but wanted more time to review
comments made by the Molokai and Lanai GPACs, as well as to hold public
hearings in West and South Maui.

Upcoming Maui Island GPAC meetings – PUBLIC WELCOMED
5pm Kaunoa Senior Center, Spreckelsville
Alternate Wednesdays – Feb 7, Feb 21, March 7, March 21, April 11

To view the complete draft of the Planning Director’s proposed County-wide policies, download PDF files using the links below:
Cover, Forward & Table of Contents
Section I: Introduction
Section II: Maui County Today
Section III: Key Strategies
Section IV: Goals, Objectives & Policies
Section V: Next Steps
Appendix A: Focus Maui Nui Executive Report

As part of the effort to develop this Countywide Policy Plan, the
County of Maui supported and conducted a number of public participatory
workshops. The intent of those workshops was to establish a broadly
held consensus about the preferred future of the community. Those
community involvement activities resulted in a series of broad goal
statements each supported by more specific objectives and policies.

Those goals are stated below and are intended to describe a desirable
end state or condition of the County by the year 2030. They are
intentionally general but are felt to be attainable through concerted
effort. The objective statements tend to be more specific and may be
regarded as milestones in the journey to achieve the larger goals.
Policy statements provide specific activities, tools and legislation
with which to accomplish the goals and objectives.

It is important to keep in mind that in the process of prioritizing,
there will be issues that overlap and conflict and will often compete
with other issues for resources. In such cases, the participants of
Focus Maui Nui recommended planning and decision-making with a balanced
approach that takes as many categories as possible into consideration
without forsaking other needs.

For example, participants said that if they must choose between areas
of need or make “tradeoffs,” the majority believed that preservation of
natural resources, the islands’ local identity, and cultural assets
must be considered before improvements to the infrastructure or even
steps to strengthen the economy. Residents articulated a hope that more
balance could exist in decision-making, and they supported the notion
that many issues could be addressed simultaneously by developing
strategies that take into consideration competing needs.

This Section sets fourth the fundamental goals, objectives and policies
of the County in regards to realizing our key strategies of: education,
social services, natural environment, physical infrastructure,
transportation planning, cultural preservation, land use management,
economic diversity, housing opportunities, and good governance


  • Goal: Maui County will continue to partner with the State of
    Hawai`i and other educational organizations to develop state-of-the-art
    school facilities, secure competitive teacher salaries, and create a
    wide variety of community-based learning programs so that Maui County
    residents have access to outstanding educational opportunities.
    • Objective 1: Require quality educational facilities, supplies, equipment and service be made available to all residents.
    • Policies:
      • a. Enhance and retrofit existing school facilities.
      • b. Encourage the State to build new school facilities in a
        timely manner in appropriate locations that minimize time and distance
        for students to travel.
      • c. Work with the State to make teacher salaries competitive with national standards and to recruit excellent teaching staff.
      • d. Support the establishment of a four-year university campus in Maui County.
      • e. Seek continual improvement in the quality of education at all levels.
      • f. Expand pre-school opportunities and after school programs for the children of Maui County.
      • g. Collaborate with local businesses to develop youth internship and apprenticeship programs.
      • h. Define appropriate routes and ensure safe access to school facilities for children.
      • i. Adopt best national practices in school scheduling to improve conditions for learning.
      • j. Encourage the State to develop smaller schools that are accessible to surrounding neighborhoods.
    • Objective 2: Provide all residents with educational
      opportunities which can help them better understand themselves, their
      surroundings, and inspire them to realize their ambitions.
    • Policies:
      • a. Support educational and training programs that will equip
        residents with skills that can be utilized in Maui County’s industries.
      • b. Encourage the development of a wide range of informal educational and cultural programs for people of all ages.
      • c. Support incentives to attract graduate level research programs and institutions.
      • d. Encourage existing educational institutions to utilize Maui County for outreach and practicum projects.
      • e. Promote the teaching of traditional practices such as;
        aquaculture, subsistence agriculture, medicinal treatments and healing,
        and home construction.
      • f. Encourage the State to continue funding preschool language immersion programs.


  • Goal: Maui County will have significant areas of permanently
    preserved natural resources and through the adoption of firm policies
    will ensure the mitigation of environmental degradation to provide
    future generations the opportunity to enjoy islands’ rare and beautiful
    • Objective 1: Identify and preserve environmentally sensitive – locally valued natural resources – and unique Hawaiian ecosystems.
    • Policies:
      • a. Protect and restore near shore reef environments and water
        quality through strengthened coastal zone management, re-naturalization
        of shorelines, and mitigation of urban and agricultural run-off.
      • b. Work in partnership with other agencies to develop
        programs which preserve biodiversity, protect native species, and
        facilitate the control of damaging invasive species.
      • c. Work in partnership with various organizations to protect critical habitat areas.
      • d. Preserve and reestablish habitat connectivity through greenways, watercourses, and habitat corridors.
      • e. Create a scoring system and evaluate all land-based
        development relative to its impact on the County’s land and ocean
        ecological resources.
      • f. Develop tree protection ordinances and assist in restoring upland forest environments.
      • g. Expand public awareness about programs and adopt legislation to reduce air, land and water pollution.
      • h. Develop stormwater treatment standards for new development
        and redevelopment projects that incorporate the use of native
        vegetation and mimic natural systems.
      • i. Partner with state agencies to establish baseline stream
        flow levels for perennial streams and promote policies that ensure
        adequate stream flow to support aquatic species.
      • j. Protect remaining undeveloped beaches, dunes and coastal ecosystems and restore natural shoreline processes where possible.
    • Objective 2: Preserve for present and future generations the
      opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the islands through the
      protection of view corridors, open space, vistas, and natural
    • Policies:
      • a. Utilize transfer of development rights to ensure the permanence of valued open spaces.
      • b. Work cooperatively with institutions and land trust
        organizations to identify, preserve and provide ongoing care for
        important scenic, and environmental resources.
      • c. Create design standards that require site sensitivity and view corridor protection for future development.
      • d. Develop and implement financial programs to acquire scenic and environmental lands.


  • Goal: Maui County will continue to partner with local social
    service networks and organizations to create communities in which the
    physical, mental and spiritual health needs of all segments of the
    population have been recognized and met.
    • Objective 1: Coordinate the services of government, private
      and non-profit agencies, in order to insure the most expeditious and
      reliable access to needed services.
    • Policies:
      • a. Encourage the expansion and improvement of local hospitals, and
        ensure prompt and high-quality emergency care services for all
      • b. Support broadened access to health insurance and health care.
      • c. Create partnerships with local organizations through the
        Housing and Human Services Department to provide counseling and
        assistance for substance abuse, domestic violence, and other pressing
        social challenges.
      • d. Deliver social and government services to special needs populations.
      • e. Support programs design to improve the general welfare of Native Hawaiians.
    • Objective 2: Provide high-quality recreational facilities
      and expand access to public lands to meet the present and future needs
      of residents of all ages and physical ability.
    • Policies:
      • a. Identify and develop lands for parks, civic spaces and public uses.
      • b. Maintain and enhance both active and passive recreation
        facilities in ways that preserve the natural beauty of their locations.
      • c. Encourage “kama`aina” programs within the visitor industry
        to allow Hawaii residents to enjoy visitor facilities and activities.
      • d. Encourage recreation, celebratory and leisure activities that bring people together and build community pride.
    • Objective 3: Create an atmosphere which will convey a sense
      of security for all residents and visitors; and aid in the protection
      of life and property.
    • Policies:
      • a. Provide a wide range of social programs to help eliminate conditions that lead to crime and social disorder.
      • b. Encourage a spirit of cooperation between the police and the public.
      • c. Expand public education about natural hazards, personal safety and domestic dangers.


  • Goal: Maui County’s physical infrastructure will be in good
    condition and will effectively serve the needs of the County through,
    clean, sustainable and self-reliant technologies.
    • Objective 1: Support the improvement of water transmission
      systems to those areas which have historically experienced critical
      water supply problems; provided that the improvements are consistent
      with the County’s Water Use Development Plan.
    • Policies:
      • a. Ensure that all water infrastructure is in good repair and adequate to meet demand.
      • b. Develop and fund improved delivery systems for fire protection.
      • c. Limit growth activities throughout Maui County to ensure
        that development of new water sources address deficits in the existing
        system prior to the approval of new development.
      • d. Promote water conservation practices that make the most efficient use of existing water sources and delivery systems.
      • e. Prohibit the use of potable water for activities that could use reclaimed, gray or brackish water.
      • f. Develop public educational programs to promote stewardship and sustainable practices including water conservation programs.
      • g. Retain public ownership of the islands’ water resources.
      • h. Limit development on the islands to the holding capacity of the natural water systems.
      • i. Maximize use of existing water sources by expanding storage capabilities.
    • Objective 2: Provide efficient, safe and environmentally sound systems for the disposal and reuse of liquid and solid wastes.
    • Policies:
      • a. Identify and develop new waste disposal methods that are safe,
        economical, environmentally sound, aesthetically pleasing and that
        minimize the disposal of wastes in landfills.
      • b. Establish programs for the development of waste disposal systems which anticipate planned growth.
      • c. Develop comprehensive and publicly convenient alternative methods of recycling solid and liquid waste.
      • d. Encourage and promote public awareness to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost waste materials.
      • e. Adopt a zero waste policy for Maui County government as a model for other industries.
      • f. Identify and promote technologies to reclaim grey water at all scales of development scales.
    • Objective 3: Utilize renewable and green technologies to make Maui County energy efficient and independent.
    • Policies:
      • a. Provide incentives that support the use of solar, wind, hydro,
        agricultural bi-products and other sources of renewable energy.
      • b. Encourage individual means of energy generation through green technology, utilizing wind, sun , water and biowaste.
      • c. Encourage the incorporation of energy-saving building
        design concepts in all new developments by providing energy efficient
        urban design guidelines and amendments to the Uniform Building Code.
      • d. Promote the retrofitting of existing buildings to incorporate energy-saving design concepts and devices.
    • Objective 4: Direct growth in a way that maximizes efficient use of existing infrastructure.
    • Policies:
      • a. Capitalize on existing capacity as a priority over infrastructure expansion.
      • b. Utilize appropriate infrastructure technologies in the
        appropriate locations (i.e., catchment systems and on site wastewater
        treatment in rural areas, and aggregated water and wastewater systems
        in urban areas).
      • c. Promote proximity of land uses in balance with the County’s fiscal ability to provide necessary essential services.


  • Goal: Maui County will have significant areas of permanently
    preserved lands, sites and activities that are culturally important to
    assure that current and future generations will enjoy the benefits of
    their rich island heritage.
    • Objective 1: Preserve, enhance and establish new
      environmentally sensitive access to mountain, ocean and island
      resources for traditional cultural practices.
    • Policies:
      • a. Work cooperatively with land trust organizations to identify and preserve historic and cultural sites.
      • b. Limit development of makai lands which are important for
        traditional Hawaiian use, giving priority to traditional and/or native
        activities – which include food gathering, religious and recreational
    • Objective 2: To preserve for present and future generation
      the opportunity to know and experience the arts, culture and history of
      Maui County.
    • Policies:
      • a. Expand opportunities for all age groups to participate in the arts.
      • b. Encourage the recordation of oral history of Maui County residents.
      • c. Develop programs that reconnect former County residents with their ancestral families on the islands.
      • d. Identify and foster teaching opportunities for cultural practitioners to share their knowledge and skills.
      • e. Encourage the construction of indigenous structures to perpetuate traditional building practices and craftsmanship.
    • Objective 3: Preserve for present and future generation the historic architecture, structures, culturalsites and landmarks.
    • Policies:
      • a. Identify, develop and maintain an inventory of significant cultural and historical resources for protection.
      • b. Promote the rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse of historic
        sites, buildings and structures to perpetuate traditional community
        character and values.
      • c. Establish programs to record, restore, maintain, and
        interpret cultural districts, sites and artifacts in both natural and
        museum settings.


  • Goal: Maui County ‘s transportation system will be diverse,
    efficient, aesthetically and dimensionally compatible with land use
    patterns and designed in a way to provide residents and visitors with
    comfortable, safe and convenient transport.
    • Objective 1: Build capacity in today’s roadway system through multi-modal transportation facilities.
    • Policies:
      • a. Plan for additional transportation connections to improve circulation.
      • b. Create incentives for pedestrian-scaled transit-oriented development.
      • c. Work with transit agencies and operators to prioritize
        efficient routes between employment centers and primary work-force
        residential areas.
      • d. Reprioritize the road right-of-way to accommodate safe access for pedestrians and bicycles.
      • e. Ensure that transportation facilities are programmed for construction in advance of or concurrent with planned development.
    • Objective 2: Require high-quality and attractive design in all transportation infrastructure.
    • Policies:
      • a. Ensure the roadway systems of the County are in good repair.
      • b. Utilize the County’s street tree plan and fund landscape
        planting, irrigation and maintenance programs along all public
      • c. Develop attractive and unique public transportation for
        visitors between the airport, accommodations, and common visitor
      • d. Plan for the establishment of appropriately located and
        beautifully developed park-andride, and ride-share facilities in the
      • e. Create incentives to reduce carbon emissions.
    • Objective 3: Support the development of efficient,
      economical and environmentally sensitive means of moving goods and
      people throughout the County and between islands.
    • Policies:
      • a. Encourage upgrading and modernizing air and water transportation facilities.
      • b. Develop an efficient and economic means of transporting local agricultural products and goods to major off-island markets.
      • c. Provide adequate funding to improve transportation facilities.
      • d. Make safe and easy alternative transport options (e.g.
        walking, bicycling, etc.) between and within communities a prominent
        component of long-term transportation planning and a top priority for
        improvements to existing roadways.


  • Goal: Local, cultural and traditional community lifestyles
    will be preserved by limiting and managing growth through
    environmentally sensitive and effective use of land and resources in
    accordance with the individual character of the various communities and
    regions of the County.
    • Objective 1: Implement a directed land use growth strategy
      which will encourage the redevelopment and infill of existing
      communities and allow for mixed land uses.
    • Policies:
      • a. Define and enforce urban and rural growth limits in the island and community plans.
      • b. Develop programs that preserve lands well suited for
        agricultural uses, recognizing that the agriculture lands of the County
        contribute to the islands rural identity an economy.
      • c. Enable existing communities to be self-sufficient through
        a proximity of uses that reduces the average vehicle trips per
      • d. Allow for auto free communities and traditional Hawaiian villages.
      • e. Limit and define the boundaries of resort destination areas
        to prevent the overflow of visitors into neighboring residential
      • f. Limit the subdivision of agricultural lands into lots that are economically too small to farm.
      • g. Utilize transfer of development rights to concentrate new development around existing infrastructure and services.
      • h. Discourage the establishment of pseudo-agricultural subdivisions on agriculturally zoned lands.
      • i. Support the right to farm.
    • Objective 2: Plan the growth of resident and visitor
      population through a directed and managed growth plan providing for
      social, economic, and environmental prosperity.
    • Policies:
      • a. Maintain a balance between resident and visitor population by controlling the growth of visitor accommodation units.
      • b. Develop programs to encourage the retention of local families.
      • c. Require the public dedication of continuous lateral access parallel with the shoreline.
      • d. Require new developments to contribute their fair share to infrastructure costs.
      • e. Encourage land owners and the development community to
        collaborate with government agencies, non-profits and land trusts to
        preserve lands of importance and develop housing to meet the demands of
        the local population.
    • Objective 3: Ensure that all developments are designed to be in harmony with their surroundings and enhance each community’s sense of place.
    • Policies:
      • a. Establish urban design guidelines and standards which will
        reflect the unique architectural characteristics and materials of each
      • b. Ensure high-quality children’s play areas, parks, open
        spaces and public gathering places in all urban centers and
        neighborhoods throughout the County.
      • c. Permit the construction of indigenous building styles and tropical building and architectural designs.
      • d. Require each development project to address important
        character defining elements including, street trees, landscaping,
        lighting, building massing, and public amenities.
      • e. Ensure business districts are distinctive and attractive destinations.
      • f. Focus on improving the aesthetic quality of all waterfront areas and harbors.
    • Objective 4: Utilize distinctive public transit, pedestrian
      and bicycle ways and the public right-of-way to make neighborhoods and
      Community Plan areas attractive and distinctive.
    • Policies:
      • a. Coordinate with the State Department of Transportation to
        utilize transportation enhancement funds to create places of
      • b. Use trees and other green infrastructure along
        rights-of-way and within parking lots to provide shelter, beauty, urban
        heat reduction, and separation from automobile traffic.
      • c. Use visual cues and design details for way-finding and to indicate pedestrian rights-of-way.
      • d. Situate parking to enhance the pedestrian environment and facilitate access between destinations.


  • Goal: Maui County’s economy will be diverse, supporting a
    range of activities including culturally sensitive visitor and service
    sectors, agriculture industries, and small locally-owned businesses,
    while protecting the cultural resources and natural environment.
    • Objective 1: Provide an economic climate which will encourage diversification of the County’s economic base, particularly small-business.
    • Policies:
      • a. Enable informal retail, local markets, and cottage industries a
        venue to market their goods and services, and create legislation that
        enables those activities.
      • b. Encourage industries that will give incentives to the
        County’s youth to seek higher education to prepare them for jobs within
        the County.
      • c. Support investment in infrastructure for information technologies.
      • d. Provide incentives for market expansion of traditional crafts.
      • e. Encourage marketing methods which will help make local products competitive with mainland products in local markets.
      • f. Support programs that promote purchase and consumption of locally grown and produced products in Maui County.
    • Objective 2: Diversify and expand agriculture and aquaculture throughout Maui County.
    • Policies:
      • a. Promote the use of agricultural lands for diversified cottage
        agricultural industries by providing incentives and encouraging
        collaboration among market participants.
      • b. Capitalize and expand on the Hawaiian legacy of aquaculture industries.
      • c. Assist in methods of exporting County agriculture and aquaculture products.
      • d. Provide a reliable and appropriate source of water for
        agriculture and supply low cost water for agriculture purposes
        especially in areas where water can be diverted while continuing to
        meet domestic needs.
      • e. Encourage the development of agricultural parks throughout the County.
    • Objective 3: Require exceptional quality in the visitor
      industry and control the development of visitor facilities to
      incorporate the traditional, social and environmental values of the
    • Policies:
      • a. Eliminate encroachment of ocean front lands for tourism and other industry.
      • b. Encourage sensitivity of cultural values and the island lifestyle.


  • Goal: Quality, island appropriate housing will be available
    in Maui County to all of its residents, and future generations –
    regardless of their household income, size and age.
    • Objective 1: Address the existing housing deficit for the
      resident population, and all income ranges, as a priority before
      allowing additional luxury housing for off-island absentee owners.
    • Policies:
      • a. Provide emergency, transitional and long-term housing for the homeless population.
      • b. Expand opportunities for the development of “oh?na”
        cottages and increase awareness about small-scale housing as an
        affordable option.
      • c. Work with lending institutions to redefine lending criteria in order to expand housing options through a variety of programs.
      • d. Work with major industries to develop workforce housing in proximity to job centers.
      • e. Create incentives for transit oriented/auto free
        neighborhoods and traditional Hawaiian villages – thereby lessening
        development costs and increasing a range of housing options suitable to
        a mix of incomes.
      • f. Streamline the review process for affordable housing development for both single and multi-family projects
      • g. Expand access to and information about State and Federal programs that provide
        financial assistance to renters and home buyers.
      • h. Ensure that low and moderate income housing is available in
        all areas of the County and is not developed in high concentrations in
        any location.
    • Objective 2: Promote the building of housing in
      neighborhoods and urban centers at densities that promote social
      equity, environmental sustainability and economic development.
    • Policies:
      • a. Codify traditional neighborhood design – incorporating a mix of housing types appropriate to island living.
      • b. Promote infill housing in urban areas at scales that capitalize on existing infrastructure and lower development costs.
      • c. Streamline the government review process to promote
        high-quality, mixed income projects, thereby adding certainty to the
        permit process.
      • d. Encourage the establishment of additional senior citizen and special needs housing in appropriate locations.
      • e. Encourage the use of environmentally sound building materials and technologies for housing construction.
      • f. Support the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands’ development
        of homestead lands that are developed in accordance with the Island
        plans and General Plan.


  • Goal: Maui County’s government services will be efficient
    and responsiveness to the needs of its people utilizing a process that
    is transparent and user-friendly.
    • Objective 1: Promote inter-departmental communication,
      improved public feedback and consensus building activities within Maui
      County government.
    • Policies:
      • a. Foster consensus building through in-depth public participatory processes.
      • b. Address and plan for the implications of Hawaiian Sovereignty.
      • c. Respect and empower each social, political and economic group.
      • d. Avoid duplication of effort by the various governmental
        agencies and coordinate governmental services to avoid unnecessary
        expenditure of funds.
      • e. Ensure that necessary services not provided by the private sector are made available by government when feasible.
    • Objective 2: Update policies and regulations to ensure improved implementation and enforcement.
    • Policies:
      • Rewrite the County Zoning Ordinance incorporating best land use regulation practices.
      • Simplify and clarify the permitting process to ensure certainty and transparency.
      • Utilize institutional knowledge to improve the quality and effectiveness of existing policies and codes.
      • Adequately fund and support the implementation of plan policy programs as well as enforcement activities.
    • Objective 3: Continually update all Island Plans, Community Plans, and public facilities plans in a timely manner.
    • Policies:
      • Plan for the unique character of each community in Maui County.
      • Ensure means for sound planning on Lana`i and Moloka`i through
        improved interisland government connectivity, communication and
      • Develop, continually update and implement plans for
        infrastructure, transportation system, community facilities, and social
        service programs within the County.
      • Fund the continued maintenance of all the County’s
        infrastructure, transportation systems, public facilities and social