Map of Large Maui Land Owners

Map indicating all of the Large Maui Island Land-Owners in 2006.  Change the magnification to 100% to see real details.   After you see what is owned by the 4 public entities and by the 14 largest land-owners, there is NOT much land left over for average folks.

2010 Census Data:

2000 Census Data:

Enterprise Zone Maps:

Large Landowners (2006 Data):

Agricultural Lands of Importance to the State of Hawaii (ALISH):

Land Study Bureau (LSB):

Agricultural Land Use Maps (ALUM):

State Owned Lands:

State Owned Lands Classified in the State Land Use Urban District (Building Value = $0):

ALISH within State Owned Agricultural Lands:

LSB within State Owned Agricultural Lands:

Solar Radiation Maps:

Geothermal Maps (By GeothermEx, Inc.):