Instant Run-off Elections Bill Still Alive

HB 638 HD1 has crossed over from the House and is now up for a hearing in Senate JDL on Monday

This bill would establish instant runoff voting for certain county elections. In some recent elections, we saw candidates win with far less than 50% of the vote. Instant runoff voting would prevent that by allowing voters to rank their choices of candidates, followed by rounds of instant runoff tabulations until a winner emerges with a true majority of the vote. This reform helps prevent the “spoiler” effect and promotes a more representative outcome.

Testimony can be sent to Chair Clayton Hee, Senate JDL here. Be sure to include your name, contact info, Senate JDL, Monday April 4 at 9AM in Room 016,  and say whether you Support or Oppose  HB638 HD1. For more background, read the Honolulu Advertiser’s recent editorial here.